Treat Yourself Well
ADHD in Adults
What is ADHD? ADHD (Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder) is a label used to describe individuals whose early brain development...
An achievement test is an individually administered assessment that is designed to measure an individual’s attainment of knowledge as a result of their formal education.
While a cognitive assessment measures learning ability, an achievement assessment measures learning outcomes.
An achievement assessment is recommended when there is a suspected learning difficulty or specific learning disability.
An achievement test assesses strengths and weaknesses in the main areas of school-based learning including reading, writing, mathematics, and oral language. If an individual’s achievement score is below that predicted based on their cognitive ability score, this is indicative of a potential learning disorder in that area.
We use the WIAT-III (Wechsler Individual Achievement Test, 3rd edition) to assess the academic skills and problem-solving abilities of individual’s between the ages of 4 years through to 50 years 11 months.
The WIAT-III is used to assess an individual’s level of academic abilities and functioning, in areas such as reading, spelling, mathematics, written expression, and comprehension. An academic achievement assessment can identify academic strengths and weaknesses and provide information to assist with diagnosis of specific learning disorder or eligibility for an educational service and can provide information to assist with educational interventions.
1 hour interview to gather background information
Approx. 2 hours of testing with WIAT-lll, conducted on iPads
Detailed assessment report of findings with specific recommendations
Feedback session
Want to find out more?
To learn more or to enquire about our Achievement Tests, contact us at: info@treatyourselfwell.com.au, or give us a call on (02) 9555 4810.
Read More on ADHD