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Achievement Tests

What is an Achievement Test? 

An achievement test is an individually administered assessment that is designed to measure an individual’s attainment of knowledge as a result of their formal education.

While a cognitive assessment measures learning ability, an achievement assessment measures learning outcomes.

An achievement assessment is recommended when there is a suspected learning difficulty or specific learning disability.

Individuals from 4 - 50 years: WIAT-lll

An achievement test assesses strengths and weaknesses in the main areas of school-based learning including reading, writing, mathematics, and oral language. If an individual’s achievement score is below that predicted based on their cognitive ability score, this is indicative of a potential learning disorder in that area.

​We use the WIAT-III (Wechsler Individual Achievement Test, 3rd edition) to assess the academic skills and problem-solving abilities of individual’s between the ages of 4 years through to 50 years 11 months.

The WIAT-III is used to assess an individual’s level of academic abilities and functioning, in areas such as reading, spelling, mathematics, written expression, and comprehension. An academic achievement assessment can identify academic strengths and weaknesses and provide information to assist with diagnosis of specific learning disorder or eligibility for an educational service and can provide information to assist with educational interventions.

WIAT-lll Assessment Breakdown


1 hour interview to gather background information


Approx. 2 hours of testing with WIAT-lll, conducted on iPads


Detailed assessment report of findings with specific recommendations


Feedback session

Want to find out more?

To learn more or to enquire about our Achievement Tests, contact us at:, or give us a call on (02) 9555 4810.

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Treat Yourself Well are a team of psychologists  with vast experience in anxiety, depression, life transitions and adjustments, relationships, eating disorders, trauma and neurodiversity.

We are not a crisis service. If you require urgent assistance, please contact Lifeline on 13 11 14 or the Mental Health Line on 1800 011 511. If there is immediate concern for safety, call 000 or present to the nearest emergency department.

Treat Yourself Well Psychology Practice Sydney

Treat Yourself Well Sydney
Psychology Practice

Treat Yourself Well Sydney is known for providing the community with high quality care in a beautiful setting. Since 2005 we have developed a niche reputation in non-diet approaches to eating disorders, body image, and weight concern as well as offering high quality psychological treatment for depression, anxiety, stress and interpersonal and relationship issues. We are proud to be neurodiversity affirming, and support our LGBTQIA+ community. 

Who We Help


Children, Adolescents, Adults

Couples, Groups, Families, Individuals

Our Areas of Special Interest

in addition to life stressors, relationships, anxiety and depression


Anorexia Nervosa

Bulimia Nervosa

Binge Eating Disorder

Body Dysmorphic Disorder





Body Image


Complex Trauma

Social Media & Teens

Weight Neutral & Inclusive

Centre for RODBT & DBT


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